5 Facts About Cats in Ancient Egypt

April 08, 2016

Hello, dear readers!

Because we love our furry friends we made another article about cats. But this time, we wrote about cats in ancient Egypt.

Cats have been with us for a very long time. The most appreciation cats had in ancient Egypt, where they were worshiped as gods. For the people, they were an important family member and they connected the world between the living and the dead.

Here are 5 interesting facts about cats in Egypt.

In ancient Egypt, the status was very high for cats and only pharaon had high enough status to own a cat. 

Their status can also be seen throughout the Egyptian history in penalties if you harmed a cat. Usually, it was punishable by death. Even exporting cats from Egypt was illegal and sometimes they would rescue the kidnapped felines and bring them back to Egypt.

Even on the battlefield, the soldier was rather surrendered than to see their beloved friend in risk of getting harmed. 

When a cat died family shaved their eyebrows and go into deep mourning. The cat would be mummified and buried with milk, mice, and rats. They wrapped the cat in fine linen and then have them be embalmed.

The famous cat deity was Bast or better known as Bastet. She was personified with her playfulness, grace, affection and was cunning as a cat. But she also had the fierce power of lioness since she had a head of a lion. But since the arrival of New Kingdom, she was associated only with the domesticated cat. With breeding jungle cat (Felis chaus) and African wildcat (Felis silvestris lybica) became a new breed also known as Egyptian Mau, wich is still present today.

So we came to an end of cats in ancient Egypt. Cats lost their status of a god, but they sure are acting like one :) I hope that you like this article and that you will see the cats in a different way. 

Have a blast! ;)

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