
Violet Smoothie

So, yesterday I was in a hurry and I figured, I'll make a smoothie before I go! I grabbed the blender and I look into the refrigerator, for some food. Why I made a smoothie? Because it is easy to make and very healthy. Blueberries have a lof of positive health benefits such as they have vitamin K, manganese, vitamin C and a lot of...

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Quotes About Time

Time. Sometimes it passes slowly sometimes it just flys away and you don't even know it. It has been a while since we did a post with quotes, so quotes about time felt the right thing to do! There are many good quotes about time but here are our 5 picks :) Which is your favorite quote? Let us know in comments bellow...

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Yet Another Berry Recipe

Well, how doesn't like berries? This time, we are going to make a berry juice. As we mentioned before strawberries have lots of health benefits and so does the lemon water. So let's combine both into a healthy drink which is good for hydration. Preparation: Squeeze the juice out of a lemon. Mix all ingredients in a blender until smooth. You will quickly notice that...

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fun facts

Awesome Facts About Dreams!

Have you ever asked yourself why do we dream? There are many theories, but very little answers. Some scientists believe that meanwhile we dream our brain is deciding which information captured at the day is worthless, so our brain can forget it and which information is important to remember. Also study indicates that more we learn, more do we dream. Another theory suggests that...

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Beige Banana Smoothie

Let's make a sweet beige banana smoothie. Smoothies are a good breakfast meal because they are healthy and easy to make. You only need 10 minutes to prepare one. Ingredients: - 1 banana - 1 tablespoon mixed dried fruits (you can use for example raisins, cashews or dates) - 1 teaspoon cinnamon - 1 teaspoon turmeric - 1 cup rice quinoa milk -...

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Food That Was Considered Bad For You But Isn't Anymore

Hello, dear readers! Today I will write about that food who have a bad reputation but for no reason. I choose this topic because there is a lot of discussions about wich food shouldn't be eaten more than once a week, but then the next time we check the TV or papers that food which was considered bad for you is suddenly good...

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5 Facts About Cats in Ancient Egypt

Hello, dear readers! Because we love our furry friends we made another article about cats. But this time, we wrote about cats in ancient Egypt. Cats have been with us for a very long time. The most appreciation cats had in ancient Egypt, where they were worshiped as gods. For the people, they were an important family member and they connected the world between the...

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Facts About Cats

Who doesn't love these adorable fluffy creatures? Cats make our lives more interesting and funnier. They may show you appreciation and love but only when they feel like it. Cats have been treated in Ancient Egypt like kings and they still didn't forget it. Like true royals they can be sometimes moody and demanding :P Here are 5 facts that you probably didn't...

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How To Make Almond Butter

I was making a dessert named Energy balls with coconut flour and the only ingredient missing was almond butter. I decided I'm going to use coconut oil instead of almond butter. They were good, but they were too oily. So, I decided that I'm going to make a homemade raw almond butter, which is almost the same as the peanut butter. You can...

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Energy Balls With Coconut Flour

These are not ordinary balls, but real energy bombs. Are good for dessert, after sports, gym or job. Health benefits of organic cocoa powder An organic fat-reduced cocoa powder is made from beans of cacao. Cocoa powder contains valuable vitamins, proteins, and minerals, such as magnesium, iron, zinc and calcium. Also, the cocoa powder can work as antidepressive, it helps reduce stress. I...

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Almond Oil: 5 in 1

Image source: Stylecraze Why spend money on expensive products (which can cause skin irritation because of the chemicals) when you can buy natural almond oil and use it in multiple ways. When I first started to use almond oil in my beauty routine I was so overwhelmed by its health benefits. It is worth mentioning that almond oil contains a lot of vitamin E...

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Quotes About Creativity

Hello, readers! Humans are creative beings. We just have to find that thing that will make us create and be creative. So in this article, we will show you 5 amazing quotes about creativity ;) So we came to an end. Did it make you think about on how creative you can be? Creativity has no limits. Enjoy your weekend and like, share...

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fun facts

Facts About Coffee

Hello, readers! For most of us, coffee is a must. We just can't fully function in the morning without these delicious drinks. So we decided to write down 5 interesting fact about coffee. So as you can see, there is much more about coffee than we know now. We hope that these facts were interesting and that you have learned something new about...

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Super Sweet Smoothie

I have been using dry dates for a while now. It is wonderful how they can make every smoothie extra sweet. You don't need to add any sugar or honey and dates have a lot of health benefits! Health benefits of dates:  - high of natural sugars, dates are perfect energy boosters, - they help reduce depression, - improve digestion, - help us...

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Strawberry-Banana Smoothie

It is almost summer and it is perfect time for a summer like smoothie :) Before we go to our smoothie let's reveal 5 health benefits of strawberries: - can reduce the risk of a heart attack - help reduce blood pressure - reduce diabetic complications by eating 37 strawberries per day - vitamin B9 (folate) can help with depression - perfect for burning stored fat...

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Nature Quotes

Hello, dear readers! Today's quotes will be all about our beautiful nature. All these 5 quotes will show you that Earth is a unique and beautiful place to be. I hoped that you enjoyed these 5 quotes and that the next time you will take a walk in the forest you will look around and enjoy the time in nature. Like, comment and...

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