Life Quotes From Lao Tzu

January 23, 2016

Lao Tzu or Laozi is one of greatest philosophers in ancient China. Have you ever heard of him?

For today's quotes, I picked 5 quotes from Lao Tzu. I'm very impressed by his philosophy and sayings. It was very hard to select only five because he has really good quotes.

Lao Tzu was also a writer and a poet. In his works, he encouraged people to go back to mother nature and cherish all that she has given them.

Here is his poem about the political circumstances in Zhou Dynasty.

Why are people starving?
Because the rulers eat up the money in taxes.
Therefore the people are starving.

Why are the people rebellious?
Because the rulers interfere too much.
Therefore they are rebellious.

Why do people think so little of death?
Because the rulers demand too much of life.
Therefore the people take life lightly.

Having to live on, one knows better than to value life too much.

Share your thoughts with me in comments below :)

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