
Types And Health Benefits Of Grapefruit

January 18, 2016

Hello, dear readers!

Today we are going to look at some health benefits and types of grapefruit. Citrus fruits are one of my favorite ingredients in smoothies because they make smoothies so fresh. And besides that, they have so many health benefits and vitamins. They're perfect to cure colds and they sooth menstrual pains because of the high content of vitamin C. You can also improve your tea by adding some of the citrus fruits in it.

There are 5 types of grapefruit:

(Photography by Zach DeSart)

Oro Blanco (1)
Is a cross between a pomelo and white grapefruit. It has bright green to yellow skin and it is sweet and just a little bit bitter.

Red (2)
The red color comes with lycopene which is a cancer-fighting antioxidant. The red grapefruit is known for its bitter taste.

Pink (3)
This one is great for smoothies and juices because of its sweetness. It is the cross between red and white grapefruit.

Pomelo (4)
It is the one with lime green or yellow skin. They're bitter but very easy to peel and mostly used in salads.

White (5)
With slightly yellow skin and intense, vibrant aroma.

Health benefits:

Reduce stress
A study showed that even smell of grapefruit can reduce stress and calms down our nerves.

Because the grapefruit is made out of 91% water is excellent for dehydration and weight loss.

Vitamin C
As all the citrus fruits grapefruit also contains a lot of vitamin C. And what does vitamin C to our body?
- Helps to fight skin damage caused by the sun;
- Reduces wrinkles;
- Hydrates skin;
- Prevents asthma;
- Strengthens our immune system so our body can fight fevers.

All the water and fibers in grapefruit can improve healthy digestion.

Blood pressure
Potassium, fibers, and vitamin C keep the heart healthy and prevent strokes.

A tip: When buying grapefruit, the best ones are heavier which means that they have more water and are ripe.

Orlo Blanco grapefruit 

Here is an idea how to make smoothie from grapefruit :)

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