
Have A Good Day In 5 Steps!

January 20, 2016

Hello, dear readers!

Today I will show you my everyday routine. I am doing it for 7 months now and I can say that every day is a great day for me.

I always needed a cup of coffee to wake up. Now by following these simple steps, I wake up much faster and I start my day full of energy.

Exercise and stretch 
I know, for a first thing in the morning, when you can only think of coffee, exercising can be really hard to start. But start by doing small steps. First start with some easy exercises.

Here are some morning exercises that you could do or you pick the ones that are your favorite. Make yourself a list of exercises so when you wake up you don't need to think but just follow your list. Plus if you put the list near your bed you won't forget to do your morning routine.

When you are used to your morning exercise routine you can shift to harder exercises. Or you can also go for a morning walk or go running. And what is so great about morning workout? You don't have to do anything else for the rest of your day because you already had a morning workout. At the end don't forget to stretch.

Exercising in the morning will wake you up quicker and you'll have more energy during the day.

Drink Water
Your body can get dehydrated over night so before breakfast drink at least one glass of warm water. Why warm? Because it increases blood flow in your body, keeps the skin soft and smooth, cleanses digestion, and slows down the aging effects.

If you don't like to drink plain warm water you can add some lemon juice to freshen up the taste. This is also good for the fight against cellulitis.

And how much water should you drink per day?
A study by The Institute of Medicine showed that a woman should drink 9 cups which equals to 2.2 liters per day and a man 13 cups or 3 liters per day.

Eat a healthy breakfast
The most crucial mistake is that some of us do not eat breakfast in the morning. Drinking coffee on an empty stomach can causes slower digestion or stomach pains. The best for breakfast are fruits because they are rich with Vitamins and fibers which fuel your body with energy. And by adding some oatmeals, you won't get hungry soon.

Remember eat breakfast and you will not be starving at night. Here is an idea for easy healthy breakfast.

Say that you feel good today
By positive affirmation, you will actually fell better and you will enjoy your day even more.

How do positive affirmations work?
We actually trick our subconscious mind to work on our behalf and the positive statement comes true.

Here are some of my favorite affirmations.

Be grateful
In the end, be grateful for anything that comes to your mind. You can be grateful for the job that you have or food on your table or even for your precious life.

By doing this routine you will have more energy during the day, you will cherish things and you will feel better a whole lot better.

Also, sleeping is important so don't forget that your body needs approximately 8 hours of sleep. You'll sleep best in a quiet and dark environment. Here are some tips how to sleep better.

This is your life so live it well and make every day a good day! :)

How to be happy?
Decide every morning that you are in a good mood.

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