
How To Be Happy?

February 06, 2016

We all have our happy days and the bad ones. But some people have more "bad" days. In this article, we will see what can you do to feel happy again. But firstly you have to stop feeling bad and choose happiness instead.

Act without expectation

Love if you want to be loved,
Give if you want to be given,
Serve if you want to be served,
Listen if you want to be listened to,
Care if you want to be cared for,
Comfort if you want to be comforted,
Advise if you want advice,
Help if you want to be helped.

Helping others can be a beautiful experience. Not only that you can learn from them but they will always remember a good deed you did for them.

If you see a stranger who needs help with grocery bags, help them. The ones who you helped will appreciate and will return the favor. Maybe not tomorrow but in time they will. And it's not necessary that the same person who you help will return the favor, maybe someone else will. If you help others they will help you. But don't expect them to. When it is time they will. Just don't be the person who helps just to get something in return.

Remember more people you help more they will appreciate you. Do 3 good deeds per day. You will make others happy and that will make you happy. You will become a better person. And how can you help others? You can help them by listening to them, by loving them, showing them you care, you can give or share things, you comfort them and you can advise them. Or simply help a grandma across the street.

Let mistakes be your lessons

Sometimes when we make a mistake we keep on playing it in our head and keep wishing that wouldn't happen. But it happened and you can't do anything about it. Well, except if you own a time traveling machine. But I'm pretty sure you don't. So think this way. You needed to do that mistake in order to learn something. Think what you have learned. And the "never make that mistake again" is not the answer. Think what was your lesson. Count all the positive things you learned from that situation. If you can't find any ask your friends or us. I am sure that together we will find a lot of positive things that you have learned. Sometimes we can't see the positive side but that is why we have others to help us with their perspective. When you realize what the lesson was you will start to improve yourself to a better you.

Remember we all did something wrong, so don't sweat it.

Choose to be grateful

People who choose to be thankful actually appreciate things. And they are not thankful for a new computer or TV with a 75-inch screen but little things, you know. They are thankful for all their friends, for all the great memories, for all that they have learned and for all the kind people in their lives. You can be thankful for anything but be the most thankful for the people you have in your life. Because the people are the ones who make your life better not the TV, right? Be thankful for the relationships, not the material things.

And remember when a friend does something for you, don't take it for granted, thank them. You will see that these small words of kindness will improve your relationships.

Do not blame the past or others

Well, you can, but what will do that for you? I am pretty sure nothing. Embrace your past and accept it. The past mistakes don't define you they teach you. But you can't change your past so admit your mistakes and do not blame others, yourself or the past.

Remember you are here now, what all can you do in this moment? So don't get stuck in the past because now is more important.

Happy starts from the inside

And lastly food. Don't expect that after 3 hamburgers with fries and 2 chocolates you just ate you would feel great. Of course not. Firstly think what are you feeding your body. Your body can't be happy if you eat junk food. Eat healthy. And with food comes the exercise. Get moving! Listen to your body and get off the chair and go for a walk. Walking is also a good recreation and just for 1 hour of walking your body will be thankful and you will feel better.

Remember 5 meals per day and a loooot of veggies and fruits. You can always make and exception and eat a burger or chocolate but not every day. Your body will be grateful.

I wish we all would be happy, that there would be no sad people and we would share our love with everybody not only with the closest. Together we can help each other and we can make the world where everybody is filled with happiness.

Have a great weekend and be happy!

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