Health Benefits Of Drinking Lemon Water
February 24, 2016Hello, dear readers!
Drinking lemon water has many advantages which I will write about in today's article. But that is only a fraction and there are much more health benefits. These are my 5 health benefits of lemon water.
1. Boost your immune system
Vitamin C is very important for our body. When we are stressed our body loses vitamin C so when were having a stressful day just have a glass of lemon water.
2. Source of potassium
Because lemons are high in potassium they are good for our heart, brain and nerve function.
3. Energy boost
Not only that it provides us with energy but also helps to reduce anxiety and depression. Even lemons scent has a calming effect on your nervous system. No wonder I like the scent of lemons ;)
4. Helps digestion
It encourages healthy digestion by loosening toxins but also it helps to relieve indigestion symptoms such as heartburn, burping and bloating.
5. Lose weight
Because lemons contain pectin fiber, which assists in fighting hunger cravings. You must drink it first thing in the morning even before breakfast.
How to make lemon water:
-½ lemon
-350 ml water
1. Squeeze a wedge of lemon and then add water.
2. And here you have a refreshing lemon water drink.