
It is Time for Banana Smoothie!

January 15, 2016

Image source: Giphy

The best way to healthy start of the day is the banana smoothie. Did you know that by consuming one banana you eat 15% of recommended daily value of Vitamin C? Plus banana has a lot of fibers and potassium. 

So let's start our day with a lot of vitamins and energy! :)

- 2 bananas
- 1 cup od oatmeals
- 1 kiwi
- 1 teaspoon of honey
- 2 cups od water or rice milk
- half of lemon

Firstly boil water and then pour it over oatmeals. If you don't have much time this is not necessary, but hot water will soften the oatmeals so the taste of our smoothie will be better. 

Then mix oatmeals, honey, bananas, lemon and water in a blender. 

On the end add kiwi and then mix just a little more.

By adding kiwi, in the end, you will avoid itchily feeling in the throat. If you tried kiwi smoothies you should know that blended kiwi's pits can cause the itchy throat which is pretty annoying.

Serve it!
This recipe should be enough for 2 portions if you serve in a medium sized glass.

Bon appetite! ;)

More banana uses:

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