
5 Things To Do With Lemon Balm

January 08, 2016

Here is a short article about Melissa which has many qualities and is most of the time overlooked. When I did the research I was amazed how much good can Melissa bring to our health.

Her Latin name is Melissa officinalis. It is a very old medical herb and it has been used by the ancient Greeks and Romans in medicine over 2000 years ago.

Lemon Balm helps with headaches, respiratory inflammation, relieves cramps and stomach pain, relieves anxiety, accelerates digestion and it lowers blood pressure.

We only gather leaves without stalks or flowering twigs and we dried them in the shade. Cut it just before flowering, the leaves have the most wonderful smell and their active substances are the strongest at that time.

External use

From the leaves, we make gritty compresses help us with the wounds and insect bites. We can rub alcoholic tincture on the skin for swellings, rheumatism and for rubbing we can also use olive oil and soak Melissa into it.

Melissa is acting antiviral. It means that it stops and destroy the growth of viral infections.

Use in tea's

Image source: Daily Avenue

Balm-mint tea: we need three teaspoons of lemon balm and you poor, over a quarter of a liter of boiling water. Cover the tea for 10 minutes and then sweeten with honey.

Tea for weak nerves: mix equal share of lemon balm and St. John's wort. Take one teaspoon of mixture for one cup of tea. We drink 3 cups a day and we sweeten with honey. You can make 3 months cure: every month we drink 10 days, 3 cups a day.


Balm-mint syrup: in a liter of water, put two cups of fresh flowering tops of lemon balm and bring to a boil. Leave to cool and add 1 kg of sugar. Then leave it for 2 days in a cool and dark place and then add the juice of 3 lemons. We keep the syrup in bottles.


Lemon balm sweets: we need 10 fists of dry lemon balm, which is broken into a powder. Cook 25dag sugar in water to give a thick syrupy liquid, which we add lemon balm powder. While is still hot, we dipped it in large drops on the surface where it can cool and solidify. When it's chilled we peel them using a knife.

I mostly drink balm-mint tea because it's really good and I know what goes in the tea.  But when the summer will come I will surely make some lemon balm sweets. Lemon balm is so diverse and good that you can make anything with it.

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