
5 Health Benefits Of Bananas

January 15, 2016

Hello :)

Because it's banana day I choose 5 banana benefits. Our body is important to us and I know that we all want what is best for our body. There are much more benefits but here are my top 5. Enjoy :)

Because bananas are rich in potassium they regulate normal blood pressure and are essential for maintaining a proper blood pressure. So make sure you eat at least one banana a day to keep the doctor away ;)

More energy
If you eat a banana before going to work or your workout you will see that you will feel more energetic and you will do more work. If you're working long hours make sure that instead of snacks bring a banana with you and you will be more healthy and have more energy.

Reducing stress
Bananas produce amino acid tryptophan which our body converts to serotonin. This helps us improve our mood, reduce stress and happiness level. So if you feel stressed just eat a banana and I'm sure you will feel better.

Skin condition
Banana peels are good for skin conditions such as acne. Just use a fresh peel and rubbed over the infected area. Then leave it overnight. The results may show after few weeks.

High in vitamin B6
Just one banana a day and you're body will have more than a daily dose of vitamin B6 intake. Vitamin B6 is important because it's creating hemoglobin for healthy blood, not jus that but it's involved in maintaining proper blood sugar levels and producing antibodies for stronger immune system.

As you see bananas are very good for us and we should eat at least one a day. We should treat our body with respect because we only have this one. I hope you liked my top 5 benefits so like, share and comment.

And check other banana posts:

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