
How To Sleep Better

January 27, 2016

Hello, dear readers!

We all need a good night sleep, especially because of our busy everyday schedule. So to help us sleep better I will write down 5 things to improve our sleep. So that way we will feel better and we will have more energy.

1. Body's natural rhythm
So first things first. To sleep better, we must go to sleep every night at the same hour and wake up every morning at the same hour. Consistency is very important because that way we will wake up more refreshed and full of energy.

Image source: Giphy

2. Exercise
Regular exercise will help us sleep better, just don't expect that on the first day of exercises we will sleep better. Also, we have to exercise in the morning or afternoon and not just before sleep. Our body has to ''calm'' down and if we do that before sleep we will not get a good night sleep.

3. Food and drinks
It's important what we eat and drink before our bedtime. If you drink a lot of coffee you should reduce and drink it only in the morning. Also we must avoid eating before bedtime because if we eat fatty food before going to sleep our stomach might digest for a while and we won't be able to sleep, but if you must have a snack you can eat a banana ;) and we mustn't drink too much liquid because then we will have to visit bathroom throughout the night.

4. Clear your head
Often we can't sleep because we worry about the things that we can't control. so to help us relax we can try deep breathing (slow and deep breathing) or we can visualize a peaceful and stress-free place. That way we will feel more relaxed and we will feel asleep easier.

5. Sleep environment

In order to sleep better, we must make some small changes in our bedroom. Such as if you're room is near the road or you hear neighbors dog barking that you should consider buying some ear plugs. By my experience the first time, it will be a little uncomfortable. The rooms temperature should be 18oC and not too hot or cold, I also like to open my windows at night in the summer but during the winter just in the afternoon for 10 minutes. And last make sure your bed is comfortable (waking up without back pain) and if not you should consider buying a new one.

These 5 little things will help us sleep better, but just remember it will not just happen overnight. Be a little patient and the goodnight rest will come. In the meantime, we can always count sheep ;)

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