These are not ordinary balls, but real energy bombs. Are good for dessert, after sports, gym or job. Health benefits of organic cocoa powder An organic fat-reduced cocoa powder is made from beans of cacao. Cocoa powder contains valuable vitamins, proteins, and minerals, such as magnesium, iron, zinc and calcium. Also, the cocoa powder can work as antidepressive, it helps reduce stress. I...
Image source: Stylecraze Why spend money on expensive products (which can cause skin irritation because of the chemicals) when you can buy natural almond oil and use it in multiple ways. When I first started to use almond oil in my beauty routine I was so overwhelmed by its health benefits. It is worth mentioning that almond oil contains a lot of vitamin E...
Hello, readers! Humans are creative beings. We just have to find that thing that will make us create and be creative. So in this article, we will show you 5 amazing quotes about creativity ;) So we came to an end. Did it make you think about on how creative you can be? Creativity has no limits. Enjoy your weekend and like, share...
Hello, readers! For most of us, coffee is a must. We just can't fully function in the morning without these delicious drinks. So we decided to write down 5 interesting fact about coffee. So as you can see, there is much more about coffee than we know now. We hope that these facts were interesting and that you have learned something new about...
I have been using dry dates for a while now. It is wonderful how they can make every smoothie extra sweet. You don't need to add any sugar or honey and dates have a lot of health benefits! Health benefits of dates: - high of natural sugars, dates are perfect energy boosters, - they help reduce depression, - improve digestion, - help us...
It is almost summer and it is perfect time for a summer like smoothie :) Before we go to our smoothie let's reveal 5 health benefits of strawberries: - can reduce the risk of a heart attack - help reduce blood pressure - reduce diabetic complications by eating 37 strawberries per day - vitamin B9 (folate) can help with depression - perfect for burning stored fat...
Hello, dear readers! Today's quotes will be all about our beautiful nature. All these 5 quotes will show you that Earth is a unique and beautiful place to be. I hoped that you enjoyed these 5 quotes and that the next time you will take a walk in the forest you will look around and enjoy the time in nature. Like, comment and...