
5 Reasons to Travel by Train

Image source: Freeimages In Europe, it is very popular to travel by train. Not only that Europe is well covered by railways, but you can see many beautiful things by taking a ride on a train. Here are more reasons why travel trough Europe by train. You see the landscape When you are 42000 ft in the sky you can't really see much...

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Unusual Uses of Borax

Hello, dear readers! In today's section of DIY I will tell you about unusual uses of Borax (household cleaning chemical), it has low toxicity and is considered safe for general household use. But be careful with Borax because it can be dangerous for children and pets. So keep it out of their reach. Clean clogged drain Use a funnel to shake down the...

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Banana Cashew Smoothie

Cashews are one of my favorite nuts and they go so well with bananas. According to studies, cashews are rich in copper, phosphorus, manganese, magnesium and zinc. Ingredients: - 2 bananas - 1 tablespoon of coconut flakes - 10-15 cashews - 1/2 cup of oats - 1 cup of water - one teaspoon of honey The recommended daily intake of nuts is approximately 40...

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Health Benefits Of Drinking Lemon Water

Hello, dear readers! Drinking lemon water has many advantages which I will write about in today's article. But that is only a fraction and there are much more health benefits. These are my 5 health benefits of lemon water. 1. Boost your immune system Vitamin C is very important for our body. When we are stressed our body loses vitamin C so when...

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Berry Smoothie

Hello, dear readers! Today I will show you how to make a berry smoothie. Ingridients 500 g strawberries 200 g blueberries Serves: 1 Preparation: First clean the strawberries and wash the blueberries. Cut the strawberries and put them in the blender together with blueberries. And ta-da you have a delicious smoothie. *You can add to this smoothie a tbsp of honey or milk....

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Super Sweet Smoothie

I just looove sweet things, do you too? I used honey for every smoothie to sweeten it up, but when I tried dry dates, honey was history for me. :)  So from that day dates are almost in all my smoothies. And they are high in sugar content so you can use them in desserts instead of sugar. Ingredients: - banana - one cup of oats -...

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What Does Travelling Do Your Brain

Hello, dear readers! Who knew travelling can be that good for your brain! Here are 5 things which show us why travelling is the best part of life and for our brain ;) 1. You become more creative People who travel are much more creative because they are more open minded and see some things from another perspective. 2. You are more open...

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Unusual Use of Duct Tape

Hello, dear readers! Today I will show you 5 ways to use duct tape. Because this tape is strong it's very useful in everyday life. And every household has, at least, one. 1. Remove animal hair from clothes To remove animal hair, you need to wrap duct tape around your palm with the sticky side out. Roll the tape on your garment and...

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Quotes About Smiling

Hello, dear readers! Today's quotes are about smiling. We all need to smile because the most beautiful person is the one who smiles. Laughter is the best medicine for us and people around us. So smile :) ...

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5 Steps For Everyday Happiness

Hello, dear readers! We all deserve to be happy and that's a fact! If somebody says different just walk away. Nobody needs that person in their life. Here are 5 steps to an everyday happiness ;) 1. Live your life here and now! Why would you bother yourself with problems they aren't really there. Your life is only yours and you have to...

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Brownies Time!

This is a very simple recipe. We will not use any flower, milk or sugar. So you can eat a lot of them and you don't have to worry about your weight. Ingredients: - 2 bananas - 10 dry dates - 2 spoons of cocoa powder - 1 cup of oats - 1 cup of water - 5 pieces of dark chocolate (optional) The...

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