5 Beautiful Photos That Tell A Story

January 25, 2016

“A picture is worth a thousand words.”

Why is photography so special? Because you can freeze one special moment and you will remember it for the rest of your life. You can hang the photo in a room and you will always be remembered of the beautiful moment.

Authors below did a great job by capturing wonderful moments, which can give us the image of life in the previous century. 

Take a look at 5 touching photos that were captured by famous and unknown authors.

Brasserie Lipp, 1969
by Henri Cartier-Bresson

Couple in La Methode cafe, 1960 Paris
unknown author

“No dog biscuits today” 
unknown author

The pet fawn of Brad Curry of Galesburg, Michigan,
 watches him depart from home 
every morning on his school bus, 1960

by Robert Doisneau

Images: Pinterest

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