Macaroni and Cheese

February 10, 2016

Hello, dear readers!

This dish is very simple to make and very delicious. If you don't have a lot of time or you just don't feel like cooking. This dish is also great the next day so you don't have to worry about cooking too much.


4 tablespoons of milk
1 tablespoon of sour cream
Thick slice of bacon
3 Eggs

pasta – 10 minutes (depends on the pasta)
baking – 35 minutes
Number of servings: 4
Difficulty: easy

1. First we cook the pasta.

2. We cut the cheese into small cubes and then we also cut bacon into thin slices.

3. We mix in a bowl milk, sour cream, eggs, salt and pepper together and we add cheese and bacon.

4. After the pasta is cooked we add pasta to the mixture in the bowl. When it's mixed we then put the food in the glass baking dish (or another baking dish if you don't have a glass one).

5. We put the mac n cheese into the preheated oven at 180°C and we leave it there for about 35 minutes.

I hoped you liked my version of mac 'n' cheese. If you have another version of this dish let my know meanwhile share, comment and follow :)

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