What Does Travelling Do Your Brain

February 22, 2016

Hello, dear readers!

Who knew travelling can be that good for your brain! Here are 5 things which show us why travelling is the best part of life and for our brain ;)

1. You become more creative
People who travel are much more creative because they are more open minded and see some things from another perspective.

2. You are more open to trying new things
Trying new things for travellers are a way of life. By travelling you more open to this and you're not feeling anxiety or stress by doing some things that you would not normally do.

3. You are happier
Taking the time off from work and exploring a new city not only helps you to feel better and happier but when you go back to work you are more productive.

4. It makes you humble
Seeing the world makes you think of how beautiful and diverse our planet is. You then start to appreciate all living beings on this beautiful planet.

5. You can reinvent yourself 
Taking the time off and travelling can really do you good. Not only that you learn about new cultures but also you can learn something new about yourself. Not just new purpose in your life.

You don't have to travel long distance. Just a trip to a country that is near you can be an experience by itself. Have a great week :)

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